We disrupt business as usual with data-driven strategies for retail growth.

The global retail strategists at John Archer & Associates help communities get future-ready.

We know what shoppers want…and what they want next.

  • Research

    Got a hunch that something isn’t working? Let’s see what the numbers say. We’ll collect the data, put it into context, and devise a strategy to give your place its competitive edge.

  • Retail Urban Planning

    In a world where retail trends come and go faster than even the most seasoned retail expert can keep up with, we take a practical approach to building community.

A multidisciplinary team of strategists and storytellers led by Canadian retail development expert, John Archer.

We’re a data-driven and future-focused team with over 25 years of experience in evolutionary city building. Developers, BIAs, government and government-aligned organizations trust our action plans to keep their retail sectors vibrant and viable no matter what changes the global economy brings.

Simply put, we translate data into stories of strong and resilient communities.

John Archer & Associates is where insights meet imagination to build future-ready communities.

John Archer & Associates is where insights meet imagination to build future-ready communities.

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Need a vision for your community? We can help.

Whether it’s building a stronger local retail economy, revitalizing streetscapes, or something else on your community to-do list, we’ll help you achieve it. Not with guesswork, but with evidence-based action plans.