Our Story

Retail experts, meet your retail experts.

Thinking about your community’s tomorrow today is easier said than done.

You’ve read the reports and tried doing your own research, but you still have that gut feeling that says, “Could we be doing something more? Is this really our best next step?”

When you work with us, you don’t have to plan for the future alone.

Providing developers, BIAs, government and government-aligned organizations with data-driven recommendations for building a strong local and regional retail economy.

It’s not about dreaming smaller. It's about setting realistic expectations for growth. We put big ideas into perspective and recommend key opportunities that’ll move your community forward. Not with a magic wand, but with data and stories inspired by your people.

We’re thinkers and strategists with vision.

We’re storytellers and dreamers with a practical approach.

What should your retail space look like? How does your retail sector relate to the local arts and culture scene? How is what’s happening in Canada affected by what’s happening globally

We rely on several pieces of data to craft a coherent story about your place. How? By interpreting the data to give it greater meaning for marketing, placemaking, and more.

Liveable communities aren’t built on an assembly line.

We’re not a factory here, but we will custom-design a multidisciplinary team of analytics and urban development experts just for you. 

John Archer & Associates is where insights meet imagination to build future-ready communities.

It’s not chance that determines your future. It’s taking informed risks and following an evidence-based action plan.

Numbers may keep the score, but the stories they tell make them real.